Galatians 5:16-24

Wycliffe(i) 16 And Y seie you in Crist, walke ye in spirit, and ye schulen not performe the desiris of the fleisch. 17 For the fleisch coueitith ayens the spirit, and the spirit ayen the fleisch; for these ben aduersaries togidere, that ye don not alle thingis that ye wolen. 18 That if ye be led bi spirit, ye ben not vnder the lawe. 19 And werkis of the fleisch ben opyn, whiche ben fornicacioun, vnclennes, vnchastite, letcherie, seruice of false goddis, 20 witchecraftis, enmytees, striuyngis, indignaciouns, wraththis, chidingis, discenciouns, sectis, enuyes, 21 manslauytris, dronkennessis, vnmesurable etyngis, and thingis lijk to these, whiche Y seie to you, as Y haue told to you `to fore, for thei that doon suche thingis, schulen not haue the kyngdom of God. 22 But the fruyt of the spirit is charite, ioye, pees, pacience, long abidyng, 23 benygnyte, goodnesse, myldenesse, feith, temperaunce, contynence, chastite; ayen suche thingis is no lawe. 24 And they that ben of Crist, han crucified her fleisch with vices and coueytyngis.