Ezekiel 43:19-27

Wycliffe(i) 19 And thou schalt yyue to preestis and dekenes, that ben of the seed of Sadoch, that neiyen to me, seith the Lord God, that thei offre to me a calf of the drooue for synne. 20 And thou schalt take of the blood therof, and schalt putte on foure hornes therof, and on foure corneris of heiythe, and on the coroun in cumpas; and thou schalt clense it, and make clene. 21 And thou schalt take the calf which is offrid for synne, and thou schalt brenne it in a departid place of the hous, with out the seyntuarie. 22 And in the secounde dai thou schalt offre a buk of geet, which is with out wem, for synne; and thei schulen clense the auter, as thei clensiden in the calf. 23 And whanne thou hast fillid that clensyng, thou schalt offre a calf of the drooue, which calf is without wem, and a wether with out wem of the floc. 24 And thou schalt offre tho in the siyt of the Lord; and prestis schulen putte salt on tho, and schulen offre tho in to brent sacrifice to the Lord. 25 Bi seuene daies thou schalt make a buk of geet for synne, ech dai; and thei schulen offre a calf of the drooue, and a wether vnwemmed of scheep. 26 Bi seuene daies thei schulen clense the auter, and schulen make it cleene, and thei schulen fille the hond therof. 27 Forsothe whanne seuene daies ben fillid, in the eiythe dai and ferther prestis schulen make on the auter youre brent sacrifices, and tho thingis whiche thei offren for pees; and Y schal be plesid to you, seith the Lord God.