Exodus 25:16-22

Wycliffe(i) 16 And thou schalt putte in to the arke the witnessing, which Y schal yyue to thee. 17 And thou schalt make a propiciatorie of clenneste gold; `that is a table hilinge the arke; the lengthe therof schal holde twei cubitis and an half, the broodnesse schal holde a cubit and half. 18 Also thou schalt make on euer eithir side of `Goddis answeryng place twei cherubyns of gold, and betun out with hamer; 19 o cherub be in o syde of `Goddis answeryng place, and the tother in the tother side; 20 hele thei euer either side of the propiciatorie, and holde thei forth wyngis, and hile thei `Goddis answeryng place; and biholde thei hem silf to gidere, while the faces ben turned in to the propiciatorie, with which the arke of the Lord schal be hilid, 21 in which arke thou schalt putte the `witnessyng, which Y schal yyue to thee. 22 Fro thennus Y schal comaunde, and schal speke to thee aboue the propiciatorie, that is, fro the myddis of twei cherubyns, that schulen be on the arke of witnessyng, alle thingis whiche Y schal comaunde `bi thee to the sones of Israel.