Acts 19:13-16

Wycliffe(i) 13 But also summe of the Jewis exorsisists yeden aboute, and assaieden to clepe the name of the Lord Jhesu Crist on hem that hadden yuele spiritis, and seiden, Y coniure you bi Jhesu, whom Poul prechith. 14 And ther weren seuene sones of a Jewe, Steuen, a prince of preestis, that diden this thing. 15 But the yuel spirit answeride, and seide to hem, Y knowe Jhesu, and Y knowe Poul; but who ben ye? 16 And the man in which was the worste deuel, lippide on hem, and hadde victorie of bothe, and was stronge ayens hem, that thei nakid and woundid fledden awei fro that hous.