2 Thessalonians 2:3-10

Wycliffe(i) 3 No man disseyue you in ony manere. For but dissencioun come first, and the man of synne be schewid, the sonne of perdicioun, 4 that is aduersarie, and is enhaunsid ouer `al thing that is seid God, or that is worschipid, so that he sitte in the temple of God, and schewe hym silf as if he were God. 5 Whether ye holden not, that yit whanne Y was at you, Y seide these thingis to you? 6 And now what withholdith, ye witen, that he be schewid in his tyme. 7 For the priuete of wickidnesse worchith now; oneli that he that holdith now, holde, til he be do awei. 8 And thanne thilke wickid man schal be schewid, whom the Lord Jhesu schal sle with the spirit of his mouth, and schal distrie with liytnyng of his comyng; 9 hym, whos comyng is bi the worching of Sathanas, in al vertu, and signes, 10 and grete wondris, false, and in al disseit of wickidnesse, to hem that perischen. For that thei resseyueden not the charite of treuthe, that thei schulden be maad saaf. And therfor God schal sende to hem a worching of errour, that thei bileue to leesing,