2 Corinthians 4:8-12

Wycliffe(i) 8 In alle thingis we suffren tribulacioun, but we ben not angwischid, or annoyed; we ben maad pore, but `we lacken nothing; we suffren persecucioun, 9 but we ben not forsakun; we ben maad lowe, but we ben not confoundid; we ben cast doun, but we perischen not. 10 And euere more we beren aboute the sleyng of Jhesu in oure bodi, that also the lijf of Jhesu be schewid in oure bodies. 11 For euere more we that lyuen, ben takun in to deth for Jhesu, that the lijf of Jhesu be schewid in oure deedli fleisch. 12 Therfor deth worchith in vs, but lijf worchith in you.