1 Kings 6:20-35

Wycliffe(i) 20 Sotheli Goddis answeryng place hadde twenti cubitis of lengthe, and twenti cubitis of breede, and twenti cubitis of hiyte; and he hilide, and clothide it with pureste gold; but also he clothide the auter with cedre. 21 Also he hilide with pureste gold the hows bifor `Goddis answeryng place, and fastnyde platis with goldun nailis. 22 No thing was in the temple, `which thing was not hilid with gold; but also he hilid with gold al the auter of Goddis answeryng place. 23 And he made in `Goddis answeryng place twey cherubyns of the trees of olyues, of ten cubits of heiyte; 24 o wynge of cherub was of fyue cubitis, and the tother wynge of cherub was of fyue cubitis, that is, hauynge ten cubitis, fro the heiynesse of `the o wynge `til to the hiynesse of the tother wynge. 25 And the secunde cherub was of ten cubitis in euene mesure; and o werk was in the twey cherubyns, 26 that is, o cherub hadde the hiythe of ten cubitis, and in lijk maner the tother cherub. 27 And he settide cherubyns in the myddis of the ynnere temple; forsothe the cherubyns helden forth her wyngis, and o wenge touchide the wal, and the wynge of the secunde cherub touchide the tother wal; forsothe the othere wyngis in the middil part of the temple touchiden hem silf togidere. 28 And he hilide the cherubyns with gold, 29 and alle the wallis of the temple `bi cumpas; and grauyde with dyuerse grauyngis and smethenesse; and he made in tho wallys cherubyns, and palmes, and dyuerse peynturis, as stondinge forth and goynge out of the wal. 30 But also he hilide with gold the pawment of the hows, withynne and with outforthe. 31 And in the entryng of `Goddis answering place he made twei litil doris of the trees of olyues; and he made postis of fyue corneris, 32 and twei doris of the trees of olyues; and grauyde in tho the peynture of cherubyns, and the licnessis of palmes, and grauyngis aboue stondynge forth gretli; and he hilide tho with gold; and he hilide as wel the cherubyns, as palmes, and othere thingis with gold. 33 And in the entring of the temple he made postis foure cornerid of the trees of olyues; 34 and he made twei doris of the trees of beech, ech ayens other; and euer either dore was double, and it was openyd holdynge it silf togidere. 35 And he grauyde cherubyns, and palmes, and grauyngis apperynge greetli; and he hilide alle thingis with goldun platis, bi square werk at reule.