1 Chronicles 28:11-19

Wycliffe(i) 11 Forsothe Dauid yaf to Salomon, his sone, the discryuyng, `ether ensaumple, of the porche, and of the temple, and of celeris, and of the soler, and of closetis in pryuy places, and of the hows of propiciacioun, `that is, of mersi; 12 also and of alle thingis whiche he thouyte of the large places, and of chaumbris bi cumpas, in to the tresours of the hows of the Lord, and `in to the tresours of holi thingis, 13 and of the departyngis of preestis and of dekenes, in to alle the werkis of the hows of the Lord, and alle vessels of the seruyce of the temple of the Lord. 14 Of gold in weiyte bi ech vessel of the seruyce, and of siluer, for dyuersitee of vessels, and of werkis; 15 but also to goldun candilstikis, and to her lanternes, he yaf gold, for the mesure of ech candilstike and lanternes; also and in silueren candilstikis, and in her lanternes, he bitook the weiyte of siluer, for the dyuersite of mesure. 16 Also and he yaf gold in to the bord of settyng forth, for the dyuersite of mesure, also and he yaf siluer in to othere siluerne boordis; 17 also to fleisch hookis, and viols, and censeris of pureste gold; and to litle goldun lyouns, for the maner of mesure, he departide a weiyte in to a litil lyoun and a litil lioun; also and in to siluerne liouns he departide dyuerse weiyte of siluer. 18 Forsothe he yaf pureste gold to the auter, wherynne encense was brent, that a lickenesse of the cart of cherubyns, holdinge forth wyngis, and hilynge the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, schulde be maad therof. 19 Dauid seide, Alle thingis camen writun bi the hond of the Lord to me, that Y schulde vndirstonde alle the werkis of the saumpler.