1 Chronicles 22:14-16

Wycliffe(i) 14 Lo! in my pouert Y haue maad redi the costis of the hows of the Lord; an hundrid thousinde talentis of gold, and a thousynde thousynde talentis of siluer; sotheli of bras and irun is no weiyte, for the noumbre is ouercomun bi greetnesse; Y haue maad redi trees and stoonys to alle costis. 15 Also thou hast ful many crafti men, masouns, and leggeris of stonys, and crafti men of trees, and of alle craftis, 16 most prudent to make werk, in gold, and siluer, and bras, and in yrun, of which is no noumbre; therfor rise thou, and make, and the Lord schal be with thee.