Luke 1:11-19

WestSaxon990(i) 11 Ðä ætywde him drihtnes engel standende on þæs weofodes swyðran healfe; 12 Ða wearð zacharias gedrëfed þt geseonde & him ege on-hreas; 13 Ða cwæð se engel him to. ne ondræd þu þe zacharias. forþam þin bën ys gehyred & þin wïf elizabeth þe sunu cenð. & þu nemst hys naman Iohannes. 14 & he byð þe to gefëan & to blisse. & manega on his acennednysse gefagniað; 15 Soðlice he byð mære beforan drihtne & he ne drincð wïn. ne beör. & he byð gefylled on haligum gaste. þonne gÿt of hys modor innoðe. 16 & manega israhela bearna he gecyrð to drihtne hyra gode. 17 & he gæð toforan him on gaste. & elïas mihte. þt he fædera heortan to heora bearnum gecyrre. & ungeleaffulle to riht-wisra gleawscype. drihtne full-fremed folc gegearwian; 18 Ða cwæð zacharias to þam engele. hwanun wät ic þis; Ic eom nu eald & mïn wïf on hyre dagum forð-eöde; 19 Ða andswarode him se engel; Ic eom gabriel ic þe stande beforan gode. & ic eom asend wið þe sprecan. & þe ðis bodian;