Luke 16:19-25

WestSaxon990(i) 19 [Note: Ðis godspel ge-byrað on þone oðerne sunnan-dæg ofer pentecosten. Homo quidam erat diues. A. ] Sum welig man wæs. & he wæs gescrydd mid purpuran & mid twine. & dæghwamlice riclice gewist-fullude; 20 And sum wædla wæs on naman lazarus. se læg on his dura swyðe forwundon. 21 & wilnode þt he hine of his crumum gefylde þe of his beode feollun. & him nan man ne sealde. ac hundas comon & his wunda liccodon; 22 Ða wæs geworden þt se wædla forðferde & hine englas bæron on habrahames greadan; Þa wearð se welega dead & wæs on helle bebyrged; 23 Ða ahof he his eagan upp þa he on þam tintregum wæs. & geseah feorran abraham & lazarum on his greadan; 24 Ða hrymde he & cwæð. eala fæder abraham gemilsa me. & send lazarum þt he dyppe his fingres lið on wætere. & mine tungan gehæle. forþam þe ic eom on þis lïge cwylmed; 25 Ða cwæð abraham. eala sunu geþenc þt þu god onfenge on þinum lïfe. & gelïce lazarus on-feng yfel. nu ys þes gefrefryd & þu eart cwylmed;