Luke 20:9-15

WestSaxon1175(i) 9 He on-gan þa þis bispell to þam folke cwæðen. [Note: Homo quidam plantauit uineam et locauit agricolas. ] Sum man plantede wingeard. & hine sette mid tilien. & he wæs heom feor manegen tide. 10 Ða on oðre tide he sende his þeow to þam tilian þt hyo hym sealden of þas wingeardes wæstme. þa swugedon (sic) hyo þanne & ydelne hine for-leten. 11 Ða sende he oðerne þeow. þa byeton hyo hine and mid teonen ge-wæcende hine for-leten ydelne. 12 Þa sende he þridden. þa wurpen hyo ut þæne ge-wundenne. 13 Ða cwæð þas win-geardes hlaford hwæt do ich. ich asende minne leofne sune wenunge hine hyo for-wandiað þanne hyo hine ge-seoð. 14 Ða hine þa tilian ge-seagen hyo þohten be-tweoxe heom. and cwæðen. Her ys se earfednyme; cumeð uton hine of-slean. þæt syo ehte ure byo. 15 & hyo hine of þam wingearde awurpen ut of-slægen. Hwæt deð þes wingeardes hlaford.