Leviticus 16

  1 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses H310 after H4194 the death H8147 of the two H1121 sons H175 of Aaron H7126 [H8800] , when they offered H6440 before H3068 the LORD H4191 [H8799] , and died;
  2 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H4872 to Moses H1696 [H8761] , Speak H175 to Aaron H251 thy brother H935 [H8799] , that he come H6256 not at all times H6944 into the holy H1004 place within H6532 the veil H6440 before H3727 the mercy seat H727 , which is upon the ark H4191 [H8799] ; that he may not die H7200 [H8735] : for I will appear H6051 in the cloud H3727 upon the mercy seat.
  3 H2063 Thus H175 shall Aaron H935 [H8799] come H6944 into the holy H1121 H1241 place: with a young H6499 bull H2403 for a sin offering H352 , and a ram H5930 for a burnt offering.
  4 H3847 [H8799] He shall put on H6944 the holy H906 linen H3801 coat H906 , and he shall have the linen H4370 breeches H1320 upon his flesh H2296 [H8799] , and shall be girded H906 with the linen H73 waistband H906 , and with the linen H4701 mitre H6801 [H8799] shall he be attired H1992 : these H6944 are holy H899 garments H7364 [H8804] ; therefore shall he wash H1320 his flesh H4325 in water H3847 [H8804] , and so put them on.
  5 H3947 [H8799] And he shall take H5712 of the congregation H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H8147 two H8163 kids H5795 of the goats H2403 for a sin offering H259 , and one H352 ram H5930 for a burnt offering.
  6 H175 And Aaron H7126 [H8689] shall offer H6499 his bull H2403 of the sin offering H1157 , which is for himself H3722 [H8765] , and make an atonement H1004 for himself, and for his house.
  7 H3947 [H8804] And he shall take H8147 the two H8163 goats H5975 [H8689] , and present H6440 them before H3068 the LORD H6607 at the door H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation.
  8 H175 And Aaron H5414 [H8804] shall cast H1486 lots H8147 upon the two H8163 goats H259 ; one H1486 lot H3068 for the LORD H259 , and the other H1486 lot H5799 for the scapegoat.
  9 H175 And Aaron H7126 [H8689] shall bring H8163 the goat H3068 upon which the LORD'S H1486 lot H5927 [H8804] fell H6213 [H8804] , and offer H2403 him for a sin offering.
  10 H8163 But the goat H1486 , on which the lot H5927 [H8804] fell H5799 to be the scapegoat H5975 [H8714] , shall be presented H2416 alive H6440 before H3068 the LORD H3722 [H8763] , to make an atonement H7971 [H8763] with him, and to let him go H5799 for a scapegoat H4057 into the wilderness.
  11 H175 And Aaron H7126 [H8689] shall bring H6499 the bull H2403 of the sin offering H3722 [H8765] , which is for himself, and shall make an atonement H1004 for himself, and for his house H7819 [H8804] , and shall kill H6499 the bull H2403 of the sin offering which is for himself:
  12 H3947 [H8804] And he shall take H4289 a censer H4393 full H784 0 of burning H1513 coals H784 of fire H4196 from off the altar H6440 before H3068 the LORD H2651 , and his hands H4393 full H5561 of sweet H7004 incense H1851 beaten small H935 [H8689] , and bring H1004 it within H6532 the veil:
  13 H5414 [H8804] And he shall put H7004 the incense H784 upon the fire H6440 before H3068 the LORD H6051 , that the cloud H7004 of the incense H3680 [H8765] may cover H3727 the mercy seat H5715 that is upon the testimony H4191 [H8799] , that he may not die:
  14 H3947 [H8804] And he shall take H1818 of the blood H6499 of the bull H5137 [H8689] , and sprinkle H676 it with his finger H3727 upon the mercy seat H6924 eastward H6440 ; and before H3727 the mercy seat H5137 [H8686] shall he sprinkle H1818 of the blood H676 with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times.
  15 H7819 [H8804] Then shall he kill H8163 the goat H2403 of the sin offering H5971 , that is for the people H935 [H8689] , and bring H1818 his blood H1004 within H6532 the veil H6213 [H8804] , and do H1818 with that blood H6213 [H8804] as he did H1818 with the blood H6499 of the bull H5137 [H8689] , and sprinkle H3727 it upon the mercy seat H6440 , and before H3727 the mercy seat:
  16 H3722 [H8765] And he shall make an atonement H6944 for the holy H2932 place, because of the uncleanness H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H6588 , and because of their transgressions H2403 in all their sins H6213 [H8799] : and so shall he do H168 for the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H7931 [H8802] , that remaineth H8432 among them in the midst H2932 of their uncleanness.
  17 H120 And there shall be no man H168 in the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H935 [H8800] when he goeth H3722 [H8763] in to make an atonement H6944 in the holy H3318 [H8800] place, until he shall come out H3722 [H8765] , and shall have made an atonement H1004 for himself, and for his household H6951 , and for all the congregation H3478 of Israel.
  18 H3318 [H8804] And he shall go out H4196 to the altar H6440 that is before H3068 the LORD H3722 [H8765] , and make an atonement H3947 [H8804] for it; and shall take H1818 of the blood H6499 of the bull H1818 , and of the blood H8163 of the goat H5414 [H8804] , and put H7161 it upon the horns H4196 of the altar H5439 on all sides.
  19 H5137 [H8689] And he shall sprinkle H1818 of the blood H676 upon it with his finger H7651 seven H6471 times H2891 [H8765] , and cleanse H6942 [H8765] it, and hallow H2932 it from the uncleanness H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel.
  20 H3615 [H8765] And when he hath finished H3722 [H8763] making an atonement for H6944 the holy H168 place, and the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H4196 , and the altar H7126 [H8689] , he shall bring H2416 the live H8163 goat:
  21 H175 And Aaron H5564 [H8804] shall lay H8147 both H3027 his hands H7218 upon the head H2416 of the live H8163 goat H3034 [H8694] , and confess H5771 over him all the iniquities H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H6588 , and all their transgressions H2403 in all their sins H5414 [H8804] , putting H7218 them upon the head H8163 of the goat H7971 [H8765] , and shall send him away H3027 by the hand H6261 of a fit H376 man H4057 into the wilderness:
  22 H8163 And the goat H5375 [H8804] shall bear H5771 upon him all their iniquities H776 to a land H1509 not inhabited H7971 [H8765] : and he shall let go H8163 the goat H4057 in the wilderness.
  23 H175 And Aaron H935 [H8804] shall come H168 into the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H6584 [H8804] , and shall put off H906 the linen H899 garments H3847 [H8804] , which he put on H935 [H8800] when he went H6944 into the holy H3240 [H8689] place, and shall leave them there:
  24 H7364 [H8804] And he shall wash H1320 his flesh H4325 with water H6918 in the holy H4725 place H3847 [H8804] , and put on H899 his garments H3318 [H8804] , and come forth H6213 [H8804] , and offer H5930 his burnt offering H5930 , and the burnt offering H5971 of the people H3722 [H8765] , and make an atonement H5971 for himself, and for the people.
  25 H2459 And the fat H2403 of the sin offering H6999 [H8686] shall he burn H4196 upon the altar.
  26 H7971 [H8764] And he that let go H8163 the goat H5799 for the scapegoat H3526 [H8762] shall wash H899 his clothes H7364 [H8804] , and bathe H1320 his flesh H4325 in water H310 , and afterward H935 [H8799] come H4264 into the camp.
  27 H6499 And the bull H2403 for the sin offering H8163 , and the goat H2403 for the sin offering H1818 , whose blood H935 [H8717] was brought in H3722 [H8763] to make atonement H6944 in the holy H3318 [H8686] place, shall one carry forth H2351 outside H4264 the camp H8313 [H8804] ; and they shall burn H784 in the fire H5785 their skins H1320 , and their flesh H6569 , and their dung.
  28 H8313 [H8802] And he that burneth H3526 [H8762] them shall wash H899 his clothes H7364 [H8804] , and bathe H1320 his flesh H4325 in water H310 , and afterward H935 [H8799] he shall come H4264 into the camp.
  29 H2708 And this shall be a statute H5769 for ever H7637 to you: that in the seventh H2320 month H6218 , on the tenth H2320 day of the month H6031 [H8762] , ye shall afflict H5315 your souls H6213 [H8799] , and do H4399 no work H249 at all, whether it be one of your own country H1616 , or a stranger H1481 [H8802] that sojourneth H8432 among you:
  30 H3117 For on that day H3722 [H8762] shall the priest make an atonement H2891 [H8763] for you, to cleanse H2891 [H8799] you, that ye may be clean H2403 from all your sins H6440 before H3068 the LORD.
  31 H7676 It shall be a sabbath H7677 of rest H6031 [H8765] to you, and ye shall afflict H5315 your souls H2708 , by a statute H5769 for ever.
  32 H3548 And the priest H4886 [H8799] , whom he shall anoint H4390 H3027 [H8762] , and whom he shall consecrate H3547 [H8763] to minister in the priest's office H1 in his father's H3722 [H8765] stead, shall make the atonement H3847 [H8804] , and shall put on H906 the linen H899 clothes H6944 , even the holy H899 garments:
  33 H3722 [H8765] And he shall make an atonement H6944 for the holy H4720 sanctuary H3722 [H8762] , and he shall make an atonement H168 for the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H4196 , and for the altar H3722 [H8762] , and he shall make an atonement H3548 for the priests H5971 , and for all the people H6951 of the congregation.
  34 H5769 And this shall be an everlasting H2708 statute H3722 [H8763] to you, to make an atonement H1121 for the children H3478 of Israel H2403 for all their sins H259 once H8141 a year H6213 [H8799] . And he did H3068 as the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded H4872 Moses.