Revelation 5:5-12

Tyndale(i) 5 And one of the elders sayde unto me: wepe not: Beholde a lion beinge of the tribe of Iuda the rote of Dauid hath obtayned to open the boke and to lose the vii. seales therof. 6 And I behelde and loo in the myddes of the seate and of the .iiii. bestes and in the myddes of the elders stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled which had vii. hornes and vii. eyes which are the spretes of God sent into all the worlde. 7 And he cam and toke the boke oute of the right honde of him that sate apon the seate. 8 And when he had take the boke the .iiii. bestes and xxiiii. elders fell doune before the labe havynge harpes and golden vialles full of odoures which are the prayers of saynctes 9 and they songe a newe songe saynge: thou art worthy to take ye boke and to ope ye seales therof: for thou waste kylled and haste redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynreddes and tonges and people and nacions 10 and haste made vs vnto oure god kynges and prestes and we shall raygne on the erth. 11 And I behelde and I herd the voyce of many angylles aboute the trone and about the bestes and the elders and I herde thousand thousandes 12 saynge wt a lowde voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was killed to receave power and riches and wisdom and strenghte and honoure and glory and blyssynge.