Matthew 3:2-8

Tyndale(i) 2 saynge; Repet the kyngdome of heue is at honde. 3 This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esay which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye and make hys pathes strayght. 4 This Iho had hys garmet of camels heer and a gerdell of a skynne aboute his loynes. Hys meate was locustes and wylde hony. 5 The went oute to hym Ierusalem and all Iury and all ye regio roude aboute Iorda 6 and were baptised of him in Iorda cofessynge their synnes. 7 When he sawe many of ye Pharises and of ye Saduces come to hys baptim he sayde vnto the: O generacio of vipers who hath taught you to fle fro the vengeauce to come? 8 Brynge forth therfore the frutes belongynge to repentauce.