Leviticus 27:15-33

Tyndale(i) 15 Yf he that sanctifyed it will redeme his housse let him geue the fyfte parte of the money that it was iudged at thereto and it shalbe his. 16 Yf a man halowe a pece of his enhereted londe vnto the Lorde it shalbe set acordynge to that it beareth. Yf it bere an homer of barlye it shall be set at fyftie sicles of syluer. 17 yf he halowe his felde inmediatly from the trompet yere it shalbe worth acordynge as it is estemed. But and if he halowe his felde after the tropetyere the preast shall reke the price with him acordynge to the yeres that remayne vnto the tropet yere, ad there after it shalbe lower sett. 19 Yf he that sanctifyed the felde will redeme it agayne let him put the fyfte parte of the pryce that it was set at, 20 there vnto and it shalbe his yf he will not it shalbe redemed nomoare. 21 But when the felde goeth out in the trompet yere it shalbe holy vnto the Lorde: euen as a thinge dedycated, ad it shall be the preastes possession. 22 Yf a man sanctifie vnto the Lorde a felde which he hath boughte and is not of his enheritaunce 23 then the preast shall reken with him what it is worth vnto the trompet yere and he shall geue the price that it is set at the same daye, and it shalbe holy vnto the Lorde. 24 But in the trompet yere, the felde shall returne vnto him, of whome he boughte it, whose enheritaunce of londe it was. 25 And all settinge shalbe acordinge to the holy sycle. One sycle maketh .xx. Geras. 26 But the firstborne of the beestes that pertayne vnto the Lorde, maye no ma sanctifie: whether it be oxe or shepe, for they are the Lordes allredy. 27 Yf it be an vncleane beest, then let him redeme it as it is sett at, and geue the fifte parte moare thereto. Yf it be not redemed, the let it be solde as it is rated. 28 Notwithstondinge no dedicated thinge that a man dedicateth vnto the Lorde, of all his goode, whether it be man or beest or lande off his enheritaunce, shalbe solde or redemed: for all dedicate thiges are most holy vnto the Lorde. 29 No dedicate thinge therfore that is dedicate of ma, may be redemed, but must nedes dye 30 All these tithes of the londe, whether it be of the corne of the felde or frute of the trees, shalbe holy vnto the Lorde. 31 Yf any man will redeme oughte of his tithes, let him adde the fifte parte moare thereto. 32 And the tithes of oxen and shepe and of all that goeth vnder the herdemans kepinge, shalbe holye tithes vnto the Lorde. 33 Men shal not loke yf it be good or bad nor shall chaunge it. Yf any man chaunge it then both it and that it was chaunged with all, shalbe holy and maye not be redemed.