Exodus 23:1-7

Tyndale(i) 1 Thou shalt not accepte a vayne tale, nether shalt put thine hande with the wiked to be an vnrightous witnesse: 2 Thou shalt not folowe a multitude to do euell: nether answere in a mater of plee that thou woldest to folow many turne a syde from the trueth, 3 nether shalt thou paynte a porre mans cause. 4 whe thou metest thine enimies oxe or asse goynge a straye, thou shalt brynge the to him agayne. 5 Yf thou se thine enimies asse synke vnder his burthen, thou shalt not passe by and let him alone: but shalt helpe him to lyfte him vp agayne. 6 Thou shalt not hynder the righte of the poore that are amonge you in their sute. 7 Kepe the ferre from a false mater, and the Innocent and righteous se thou sley not, for I will not iustifye the weked.