1 Timothy 6:4-10

Tyndale(i) 4 he is pufte vp and knoweth nothynge: but wasteth his braynes aboute questions and stryfe of wordes wherof sprynge envie stryfe raylinges evyll surmysinges 5 and vayne disputacions of men with corrupte myndes and destitute of the trueth which thynke that lucre is godlines. From soche seperate thy silfe. 6 Godlines is great ryches yf a man be content with that he hath. 7 For we brought nothynge into the worlde and it is a playne case that we can cary nothynge out. 8 When we have fode and rayment let vs therwith be contet. 9 They that wilbe ryche faule into temptacio and snares and into many folysshe and noysome lustes which droune me in perdicion and destruccion. 10 For coveteousnes is the rote of all evyll which whill some lusted after they erred fro the fayth and tanglyd them selves with many sorowes.