Joel 3:9-17

Thomson(i) 9 proclaim these things among the nations. Declare war: rouse the warriors: assemble and march up, all ye men of war. 10 Beat your ploughshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weak say, I am strong. 11 Assemble and come all ye nations around and be there gathered together. Let the man of peace become a soldier. 12 Let all the nations be roused and come up to the valley of Josaphat; for there I will sit to judge all the nations around. 13 Put to the sickles, for the harvest is come; go in and tread for the vat is full. Cause the wine lakes to overflow; for their wicked deeds have been multiplied. 14 Screams resound in the valley of Judgment! Because the day of the Lord in the valley of Judgment is at hand 15 The sun and the moon shall be obscured in darkness; and the stars shall withdraw their refulgence; 16 and the Lord will utter a shout from Sion, and from Jerusalem he will send forth his voice; and the heaven and the earth shall be shaken: but the Lord will spare his people and strengthen the sons of Israel. 17 And ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, who dwell in Sion my holy mountain, and Jerusalem shall be holy and strangers shall no more pass through it.