Genesis 28:11-19

Rotherham(i) 11 And he lighted on a place, and tarried the night there, because the sun had gone in,––and he took of the stones of the place, and put for his pillow,––and lay down in that place. 12 And he dreamed, and lo! a stairway, planted earthwards, with, its top, reaching towards the heavens,––and lo! messengers of God, ascending and descending thereon; 13 and lo! Yahweh, standing by him,––and he said, I, am Yahweh, God of Abraham thy father and God of Isaac,––The land whereon, thou, art lying, to thee, will I give it, and to thy seed; 14 And thy seed shall become, as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt break forth westward and eastward, and northward and southward,––And all the families of the ground shall be blessed in thee, and in thy seed. 15 Lo! then, I, am with thee, so will I keep thee in every place whithersoever thou mayest go, and will bring thee back unto this soil,––For I will not forsake thee until I have done that of which I have spoken to thee.
16 And Jacob awoke from his sleep, and said, Surely, Yahweh was in this place, And, I, knew it not. 17 And he feared, and said, How fearful is this place! None other this, than the house of God! Nor this than the gate of the heavens! 18 So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone which he had put for his pillow, and put it for a pillar,––and poured out oil upon the top thereof; 19 and called the name of that place––Bethel,––nevertheless, Luz, was the name of the city, aforetime.