Romans 6:1-9:33

Matthew(i) 1 What shall we saye then? Shal we continue in synne, that there maye be aboundaunce of grace? 2 God forbide. How shal we that are deade as touchynge synne, lyue any lenger therin? 3 Remembre ye not that al we which are baptised in the name of Iesus Christe, are baptised to dye wyth hym? 4 We are buried wyth hym by baptisme, for to dye that lykewyse as Christe was raysed vp from death by the glorye of the father: euen so we also shoulde walke in a newe lyfe. 5 For yf we be grafted in deathe lyke vnto hym: euen so muste we be in the resurrection. 6 Thys we muste remember, that oure olde man is crucified wyth hym also, that the bodye of synne myght vtterlye be destroyed, that hence forthe we should not be seruauntes of synne. 7 For he that is dead is iustifyed from synne. 8 Wherefore yf we be deade wyth Christe, we beleue that we shall lyue with hym: 9 remembrynge that Christe ones raysed from death, dieth no more, death hath nomore power ouer hym. 10 For as touchynge that he dyed, he died concernynge synne, ones. And as touchinge that he liueth, he liueth vnto God. 11 Lyke wyse ymagyne ye also, that ye are dead concernynge synne: but are a lyue vnto God thorowe Iesus Christe oure Lorde. 12 Lette not synne reygne therefore in youre mortall bodyes, that ye shoulde thereunto obey in the lustes of yt. 13 Neyther geue ye youre members as instrumentes of vnrightuousnes vnto sinne: but geue yourselues vnto god, as they that are aliue from death. And geue your membres as instrumentes of ryghtuousnes vnto God, 14 Let not synne haue power ouer you. For ye are not vnder the lawe, but vnder grace. 15 What then? Shall we synne, because we are not vnder the lawe: but vnder grace? God forbyd. 16 Remember ye not howe that to whomsoeuer ye commit your selues as seruauntes to obey, hys seruauntes ye are to whom ye obey: whether it be of synne vnto death, or of obedience vnto rightuousnes? 17 God be thanked that though ye were ones the seruauntes of synne ye haue yet obeyed with herte vnto the forme of doctrine wherunto ye were delyuered. 18 Ye are then made fre from sinne, & are become the seruauntes of rightuousnes. 19 I will speake grossely because of the infirmitie of youre fleshe. As ye haue geuen your members seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie: from iniquitie vnto iniquitie: euen so now geue your membres seruauntes vnto rightuousnes, that ye may be sanctifyed. 20 For when ye were the seruauntes of synne, ye were not vnder rightuousnes. 21 What fruit had ye then in those thynges, where of ye are nowe ashamed. For the ende of those thynges is deathe. 22 But nowe are ye deliuered from synne, and made the seruauntes of God, and haue youre fruyte that ye shoulde be sanctified, & the ende euerlastynge lyfe. 23 For the rewarde of sinne is death: but eternal lyfe is the gyfte of God, thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde. 7 1 Remembre ye not brethren (I speake to them that knowe the lawe) howe that the lawe hath power ouer a man as longe as yt endureth? 2 For the woman whiche is in subiection to a man, is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he liueth. If the man be dead, she is lowsed from the lawe of the man. 3 So then if whyle the man liueth the completh her selfe wyth an other man, she shall be counted a wedlocke breaker. But yf the man be dead, she is fre from the law, so that she is no wedlocke breaker, though she couple her selfe wyth an other man. 4 Euen so ye my brethren, are dead concerning the lawe by the bodye of Christ, that ye shoulde be coupled to another (I meane to hym that is risen agayne from death) that we shoulde brynge forth fruite vnto God. 5 For when we were in the fleshe the lustes of synne whych were sterred vp by the law reygned in oure membres, to brynge forthe fruyte vnto deathe. 6 But nowe are we deliuered from the lawe, & dead from that where vnto we were in bondage, that we should serue in a newe conuersacion of the spirite, and not in the olde conuersacion of the letter. 7 What shall we saye then? Is the lawe synne? God forbid: but I knewe not what synne meante but by the law. For I had not knowne what luste had meant, except the lawe had sayed, thou shalte, not lust. 8 But synne toke an occasion by the meanes of the commaundement, and wrought in me al maner of concupiscence. For without the lawe, synne was dead. 9 I ones liued without lawe. But when the commaundemente came, synne reuyued, & I was deade. 10 And the verye same commaundemente which was ordeyned vnto lyfe, was founde to be vnto me an occasion of death, 11 for synne toke occasion by the meanes of the commaundement and so disceyued me, and by the selfe commaundemente slewe me. 12 Wherfore the lawe is holye and the commaundement holy, iuste and good. 13 Was that then whiche is good, made death vnto me? God forbid. Naye, synne was death vnto me, that yt might appere, howe that synne by the meanes of that which is good, had wrought death in me: that sinne which is vnder the commaundemente, myghte be out of measure synfull. 14 For we knowe that the lawe is spirituall but I am carnal, sold vnder synne, 15 because I wote not what I do. For what. I would do, that I do not: but what I hate, that do I. 16 Yf I do nowe that which I would not. I graunt to the lawe that it is good. 17 So then now, yt is not I that do yt, but sinne that dwelleth in me. 18 For I knowe that in me (that is to saye in my fleshe) dwelleth no good thynge. To wyll is present wyth me: but I fynde no meanes to performe that whiche is good. 19 For I doo not the good thynge whyche I woulde: but that euyll do I which I woulde not. 20 Finallye, if I do that I woulde not, then is yt not I that do it, but synne that dwelleth in me, doeth it. 21 I fynde then by the lawe that when I woulde do good, euyll is present with me. 22 I delite the lawe of God, concernynge the inner man. 23 But I se another lawe in my membres rebellynge agaynst the lawe of my mynde and subduynge me vnto the lawe of synne whyche is in my membres. 24 O wretched man that I am: who shall deliuer me frome this bodye of deathe? 25 I thanke God thorowe Iesus Christe oure Lorde. So then I my selfe in my mynde serue the law of God, & in my flesh the lawe of synne. 8 1 There is then no damnation to them which are in Christ Iesu, which walke not after the flesh: but after the spirite. 2 For the law of the spirite that bringeth lyfe through lyfe through Iesus Christe, hath delyuered me from the lawe of synne & death. 3 For what the lawe coulde not do in as much as it was weake because of the fleshe: that performed God, and sente hys sonne in the similitude of synfull fleshe, 4 and by synne dampned synne in the fleshe: that the ryghtuousnes requyred of the law myghte be fulfylled in vs, which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite. 5 For they that are carnally, are carnally mynded. But they that are spirituall, are ghostly minded. 6 To be carnally mynded is death. But to be spiritually minded is lyfe and peace. 7 Because that the fleshlye minde is enemy agaynste God: for it is not obediente to the lawe of God, neyther can be. 8 So then they that are geuen to the fleshe, can not please God. 9 But ye are not geuen to the fleshe, but to the spirite yf so be that the spirite of God dwell in you. Yf there be any man that hath not the spirite of Christ, the same is none of hys. 10 Yf Christe be in you, the bodye is deade because of synne: but the spirite is lyfe for ryghtuousnes sake. 11 Wherfore yf the spirit of him that raysed vp Iesus frome deathe dwell in you, euen he that raysed vp Christe from death shall quicken your mortall bodyes, because that his spirite dwelleth in you. 12 Therfore brethren we are nowe detters not to the fleshe, 13 to lyue after the fleshe. For yf ye liue after the, fleshe, ye muste dye. But if ye mortifye the dedes of the bodye, by the helpe of the spirite, ye shall liue. 14 For as many as are led by the spirite of God: 15 they are the sonnes of God. For ye haue not receiued the spirite of bondage to feare anye more: but ye haue receiued the spirite of adoption, where by we crye Abba father. 16 The same spirite certifieth oure spirite that we are the sonnes of God. 17 Yf we be sonnes, we are also heyres, the heyres I meane of God, and heyres annexed with Christe yf so be that we suffer together, that we maye be glorified together. 18 For I suppose that the afflictions of thys lyfe are not worthy of the glory which shall be shewed vpon vs. 19 Also the feruente desyre of the creatures abydeth lokynge when the sonnes of God shal appere, 20 because the creatures are subdued to vanitie agaynst their wyl but for his will which subdueth them in hope. 21 For the verye creatures shall be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertye of the sonnes of God. 22 For we knowe that euerye creature groneth with vs also & traueyleth in payne euen vnto this tyme. 23 Not they onely, but euen we also which haue the fyrst fruytes of the spirite, mourne in oure selues and wayte for the (adoption) & luke for the deliueraunce of oure bodyes. 24 For we are saued by hope, But hope that is sene is no hope. For howe can a man hope for that which he seyth? 25 But and yf we hope for that we se not, then do we with pacience abyde for yt. 26 Lykewyse the spirite also helpeth our infirmityes. For we knowe not what to desyre as we ought: but the spirite maketh intercession mightelye for vs wyth gronynges whiche can not be expressed with tonge. 27 And he that searcheth the hertes knoweth what is the meanynge of the spirite: for he maketh intercession for the sayntes accordinge to the pleasure of God. 28 For we knowe that all thynges worke for the beste vnto them that loue God, whyche also are called of purpose. 29 For those which he knewe before he also ordeyned before, that they shoulde be like fashioned vnto the shape of hys sonne that he myght be the fyrste begotten sonne amonge manye brethren. 30 More ouer whiche he appointed before, them he also called. And which he called, them also he iustified, whiche he iustified, them he also glorifyed. 31 What shall we then say vnto these thynges? yf God be on oure syde: who can be agaynste vs? 32 whyche spared not his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all: how shall he not wyth hym geue vs all thynges also? 33 Who shall laye anye thynge to the charg of Goddes chosen? It is God that iustifieth 34 who then shall condempne? It is Christe whyche is dead, ye rather which is rysen agayne, which is also on the right hande of God, and maketh intercession for vs. 35 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of God shall tribulation? or anguyshe? or persecution? othere honger? other nakednesse? other peryll? other swearde? 36 As it is wrytten: For thy sake are we killed al day longe, and are counted as shepe appointed to be slayne. 37 Neuerthelesse in all these thynges we ouercome stronglye thorowe hys helpe that loued vs. 38 Yea and I am sure that neyther death, neither life, neyther angels, nor rule, neythere power, neythere thinges presente, neyther thynges to come, 39 neyther heyght, neyther loweth, neyther any other creature? shall be able to depart vs from the lowe of God, shewed in Christ Iesu our Lord. 9 1 I say the trueth in Christe and lye not, in that where of my conscience beareth me wytnes in the holy goste, 2 that I haue great heauines and continuall sorowe in my hert. 3 For I haue wyshed my selfe to be cursed from Christ, for my brethren and my kynsmen (as pertaynynge to the fleshe) 4 whiche are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenauntes, & the lawe that was geuen, & the seruice of God, & the promises: 5 whose also are the fathers & they of whom (as concerninge the flesh) Christe came, whiche is God ouer al thynges blessed for euer. Amen. 6 I speake not these thinges as though the wordes of God had taken none effect. For they are not al Israelites whiche came of Israell, 7 neither are they al chyldren strayght way, because they are the seede of Abraham. But in Isaac shall thy seede be called: 8 that is to saye, they whiche are the chyldren of the fleshe, are not the chyldren of God. But the chyldren of promise are counted the seede. 9 For this is a worde of promyse, aboute this tyme wyll I come, and Sara shall haue a sonne. 10 Neither was it so with her onely: but also when Rebecca was wyth childe by one, I meane by oure father Isaac, 11 yer the children were borne, when they had neither done good nor bad: that the purpose of God whiche is by election, might stand, it was sayed vnto her, not by the reason of workes, but by grace of the caller: 12 the elder shall serue the yonger. 13 As it is wrytten: Iacob loued, but Esau he hated. 14 What shall we saye then? is there any vnrightuousnes with God? God forbid. 15 For he sayth to Moyses: I will shewe mercy to whom I shewe mercy: and wyll haue compassion 16 on whom I will haue compassion. So lyeth it not then in a mans wil or cunnynge, but in the mercy of God. 17 For the scripture sayeth vnto Pharao. Euen for this same purpose haue I sterred the vp, to shewe my power on the and that my name myghte be declared thorowout al the worlde. 18 So hath he mercie on whom he wyll, and whom he wyll, he maketh harde herted. 19 Thou wylt saye then vnto me: why then blameth he vs yet? For who can resist hys wyll? 20 But O man, what arte thou whiche disputeste wyth God? Shall the worke saye to the workeman, why haste thou made me on thys fashion? 21 Hath not the potter power ouer the clay euen of the same lumpe to make one vessell vnto honoure, and another vnto dishonoure? 22 Euen so God wyllynge to shewe his wrath, and to make his power knowen, suffered wyth longe pacience the vessels of wrath, ordeined to damnacion, 23 that he myght declare the riches of his glory on the vesseles of mercye, whiche he had prepared vnto glorye: 24 that is to saye, vs whom he called, not of the Iewes only, but also of the gentils. 25 As he sayeth in Osee I wyll call them my people which were not my people: and her beloued which was not beloued. 26 And it shall come to passe in the place where it was sayed vnto them, ye are not my people: that there shalbe called the children of the liuinge God. 27 But Esayas cryeth concernynge Israell, thoughe the nomber of the chyldren of Israel be as the sande of the sea, yet shall a remnaunt be saued. 28 He fynysheth the worde verely, and maketh it shorte in ryghtuousnes. For a short worde wyll God make on earth. 29 And as Esayas sayed before. Excepte the Lorde of Sabaoth had left vs seede, we had bene made as Zodoma, and had ben lykened to Gomorra. 30 What shall we saye then? We saye that the Gentyles which folowed not ryghteousnes haue ouertaken ryghtuousnes: I meane the ryghtuousnes whiche cometh of faythe. 31 But Israell whiche folowed the lawe of rightuousnes, coulde not attayne vnto the lawe of ryghtuousnes. 32 And wherfore? Because they sought it not by fayth: but as it were by the workes of the lawe. For they haue stombled at the stomblynge stone. 33 As it is wrytten. Beholde I put in Syon a stomblyng stone, and a rocke which shall make men faule. And none that beleue on hym, shalbe a shamed.