Romans 1:21-32

Matthew(i) 21 in as muche as when they knewe God, they glorifyed him not as God, neither were thankful, but waxed full of vanities in theyr Imaginations, and their folishe hertes were blinded. 22 When they counted them selues wyse, they became foles, 23 and tourned the glorye of the immortall God, vnto the the similitude of the Image of mortall man, and of byrdes, and foure foted beastes, and of serpentes. 24 Wherfore God lykewyse gaue them vp vnto their hertes lustes vnto vncleanes, to defyle theyr owne bodies betwene them selues: 25 whyche turned hys truth vnto a lye, and worshipped and serued the creatures more then the maker, whyche is blessed for euer. Amen. 26 For this cause God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes. For euen theyr women dyd chandge the natural vse vnto the vnnaturall. 27 And lykewyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woman, and brent in theyr lustes one on another. And man with man wroughte fylthynes, and receiued in them selues the reward of theyr errour, as it was accordinge. 28 And as it semed not good vnto them to be a knowen of God, euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a leud minde, that they should do those thinges, whiche were not comly, 29 beyng ful of al vnryghtuous doing, of fornicacion, wickednes, couetousnes, maliciousnes, full of enuye, murther, debate, disceite, euyl condicioned, whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, doers of wronge, proude, bosters, bryngers vp of euyll thinges, disobedient to father and mother, 31 wythout vnderstandynge, couenaunt breakers, vnlouinge, truce breakers and mercyles. 32 Whyche men though they knewe the ryghtuousnes of God, howe that they which such thinges commit, are worthy of death, yet not onely do the same, but also haue pleasure in them that do them.