Romans 14:6-8

Matthew(i) 6 He that obserueth one daye more then another, doth it for the Lordes pleasure. And he that obserueth not one day more then another, doeth it to please the Lorde also. He that eateth, doeth it to please the Lorde, for he geueth God thankes. 7 And he that eateth not, eateth not to please the Lorde with all, & geueth God thankes. 8 For none of vs lyueth his owne seruaunt: neyther doeth anye of vs dye hys owne seruaunte. Yf we lyue, we lyue to be at the Lordes wyll. And yf we dye, we dye at the Lordes wyll. Whether we lyue therfore or dye, we are the Lordes.