Revelation 18:11-19

Matthew(i) 11 And the marchauntes of the earth, shal wepe and wayle in them selues, for no man wil bye their ware anye more, 12 the ware of gold, & syluer, & precious stones, neither of pearle, sylke, and raynes, & purple, & skarled, and al thin wode, & all maner vessels of iuory, & al maner vessels of most precious wode, and of brasse, and of Iron, 13 & sinamome, and odoures, and oyntmentes, & frankinsence, and wine, and oyle, and fine floure, and wheat, beastes, and shepe, and horsses, & charrettes, and bodyes, and soules of men. 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after are departed from the. And al thinges which were deyntye, & had in price are departed from the, & thou shalt finde them no more. 15 The marchauntes of these thinges, which were wexed riche shal stand a farre of from her, for feare of the punishement of her, weping & waylynge, 16 & saying: alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in raines, & purple, and scarlet, & decked wt gold, & precious stones, & pearles, 17 for at one hour so great riches is come to nought. And euery shyp gouerner, & al they that occupied shippes, & shipmen which worke in the sea, stode a farre of 18 & cried, when they saw the smoke of her burninge, sayinge: what citie is lyke vnto this great citie? 19 And they cast duste on their heades, & cried weping, & wailing, & said: Alas, alas the greate citye wherin were made riche al that had shippes in the sea, by the reason of her costlines, for at one houre is she made desolate.