Revelation 11:8-13

Matthew(i) 8 And theyr bodies shal lye in the stretes of the great city, whiche spyrytually is called Sodome and Egypte, where oure Lorde was crucyfyed. 9 And they of the people and kynredes, and tonges, and they of the nacyons, shal se theyr bodyes thre dayes and an halfe, and shall not suffer theyr bodies to be put in graues. 10 And they that dwell vpon the earth, shall reioyse ouer them and be glad, and shal sende gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth. 11 And after .iij. dayes and an halfe the spyryte of lyfe from God, entred into them. And they stode vp vpon theyr fete, and great feare came vpon them, whiche sawe them. 12 And they harde a greate voyce from heauen, saying vnto them. Come vp hether. And they ascende vp into heauen in a cloud and their enemies sawe them. 13 And the same houre was there a greate earth quake, and the tenth parte of the cytye fell, and in the earth quake were slayne names of men seuen thousande, and the remnaunte were feared, and gaue glorye to GOD of heauen.