Psalms 71:1-7

Matthew(i) 1 In the, O Lord, is my trust, let me neuer be put to confusyon, 2 but rydde me, and delyuer me thorow thy ryghtuousnesse: enclyne thyne eare vnto me, and helpe me. 3 Be thou my strong hold (wher vnto I may all waye fle) thou that hast promised to helpe me: for thou art my house of defence and my castell. 4 Deliuer me, O my God, out of the hand of the vngodly, oute of the hande of the vnryghtuous and cruell man. 5 For thou, O Lord God, art the thing that I long for, thou art my hope euen fro my youth. 6 I haue leaned vpon the euer sence I was borne, thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wombe therfore is my prayse all waye of the. 7 I am become a wonder vnto the multytude, but my sure trust is in the.