Psalms 46:1-7

Matthew(i) 1 To the chaunter, a songe of the children of Corah vpon almuth. In oure troubles & aduersitye, we haue founde, that God is oure refuge, oure strength and helpe. 2 Therfore wyl we not feare though the earth fell, and though the hylles were caryed into the myddest of the sea. 3 Though the waters of the sea raged and were neuer so troublous, and thoughe the mountaynes shoke at the tempest of the same. Selah. 4 For there is a floude, which with hys ryuers reioyseth the cytye of God, the holy dwellyng of the moost hyest. 5 God is in the middest of her, therfore shal she not be remoued: for God helpeth her, & that right early. 6 The Heythen are madde, the kingdomes make muche a do: but when he sheweth hys voyce, the earth melteth awaye. 7 The Lord of hoostes is with vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Selah.