Proverbs 7:13-23

Matthew(i) 13 she caught the yonge man, kyssed hym, & was not ashamed, sayinge: 14 I had a vowe to paye, & thys daye I perfourme it. 15 Therfore came I forth to mete the, that I mighte seke thy face, and so I haue founde the. 16 I haue deckte my bed with couerynges & clothes of Egypte. 17 My bed haue I made to smell of myrre, Aloes, and Cynamon. 18 Come let vs lye together, and take our pleasure tyll it be daye lyghte. 19 For the good man is not at home, he is gone farre of. 20 He hath taken the bagge of money with hym: who can tell when he commeth home? 21 Thus with many swete woordes she ouercome hym, and with her flatteryng lippes she wanne hym. 22 Immediatly he folowed her, as it were an oxe led to the slaughter (& lyke as it were to the stockes, where foles are punyshed) 23 so longe tyll she had wounded hys lyuer with her dart: like as if a byrde hasted to the snare not knowyng that the parell of his lyfe lieth therupon.