Nehemiah 8:14-18

Matthew(i) 14 And they founde written in the lawe how that the Lorde had commaunded by Moses that the chyldren of Israel shulde dwell in bothes in the feaste of the seuenth moneth. 15 And so they caused it be declared and proclaimed in all theyr cytyes, and at Ierusalem, sayinge: go vp vnto the mount and fetche Olyue braunches, Pynebraunches, Myrtbraunches, Palmebraunches, & braunches of thicke trees, to make bothes as it is wrytten. 16 And the people wente vp, and fet them, & made them bothes, euerye one vpon the rofe of hys house, and in theyr courtes, and in the courtes of the house of GOD, and in the strete by the Watergate, and in the strete by porte Ephraim. 17 And all the congregacyon of them that were come agayne oute of the captyuyte, made bothes, and dwelte therin: for sence the tyme of Iosua the sonne of Nun vnto thys daye, had not the chyldren of Israell done so, and there was verye greate gladnesse. 18 And euerye daye from the fyrste daye vnto the last, red he in the boke of the lawe of God. And seuen dayes helde they the feaste, & on the eyght daye of the gatherynge together, accordynge vnto the maner.