Matthew 5:43-48

Matthew(i) 43 Ye haue hearde how it is said: thou shalt loue thy neighbour, and hate thyne enemy. 44 But I say vnto you loue your enemies. Blesse theim that cursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Pray for them which doo you wronge and persecute you, 45 that ye may be the chyldren of youre father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sonne to aryse on the yuyll, and on the good and sendeth his raine on the iust and vniust. 46 For if ye loue them, whiche loue you: what rewarde shall ye haue? Doo not the publicanes euen so? 47 And if ye be frendly to your brethren only what synguler thinge doo ye? Do not the publycanes likewyses? 48 Ye shall therfore be perfect, euen as your father which is in heauen, is perfect.