Matthew 24:39-50

Matthew(i) 39 & knew of nothinge, tyll the floude came and toke them all awaye. So shal also the comminge of the sonne of man be. 40 Then two shall be in the fielde, the one shalbe receyued, and the other shalbe refused, 41 two shalbe grindinge at the myll, the one shalbe receyued, and the other shalbe refused. 42 Wake therfor, because ye knowe not what houre your maister wyl come. 43 Of this be sure, that if the good man of the house knewe what houre the these woulde come, he would suerlye watche, and not suffer his house to be broken vp. 44 Therfore be ye also redye, for in the houre ye thinke he woulde not, wyll the sonne of man come. 45 Yf there be anye faythful seruaunt and wyse, whome his maister hath made rueler ouer his housholde to geue them meate in season conuenient: 46 happy is that seruaunt whom his maister (when he cometh) shall fynde so doyinge. 47 Verelye I saye vnto you, he shall make hym ruler ouer all hys goodes. 48 But and if that euyll seruaunt shall saye in his herte, my maister wyll defer hys commynge, 49 and begynne to smyte his felowes, yea, and to eate and to drinke with the dronken: 50 that seruauntes maister wyll come in a daye when he loketh not for him, and in an houre that he is not ware of,