Mark 11:12-26

Matthew(i) 12 And on the morowe when they were come oute from Bethany, he hungred, 13 and spied a fygge tree a farre of hauing leaues: and wente to se whether he myghte fynde any thynge theron. But when he came therto, he founde nothyng but leaues: for the tyme of fygges was not yet. 14 And Iesus aunswered & sayd to it: neuer man eate frute of the here after whyle the world standeth. And hys discyples hearde it. 15 And they came to Hierusalem. And Iesus went into the temple, and beganne to cast out sellers, and byers in the temple, & ouerthrewe the tables of the money chaungers, & the stoles of them that solde doues, 16 and woulde not suffer that anye man caryed a vessell through the temple. 17 And he taught saying vnto them: is it not wryten: my house shall be called the house of prayer vnto al nacions? But ye haue made it a den of theues. 18 And the Scrybes & hye Priestes hearde it: and soughte howe to destroy him. For they feared hym, because al the people marueyled at his doctrine. 19 And when euen was come, he wente oute of the citye. 20 And in the mornynge as they passed by, they sawe the fygge tree dryed vp by the rotes. 21 And Peter remembred, & sayd vnto him: maister, behold the figge tree which thou cursedest, is wythered away. 22 And Iesus aunswered, and sayed vnto them: Haue confydence in God. 23 Verelye I saye vnto you, that whosoeuer shall saye to thys mountayne: take awaye thy selfe, and caste thy selfe into the sea, and shall not wauer in hys herte, but shall beleue that those thynges whiche he sayeth, shall come to passe, whatsoeuer he sayeth, shalbe done to hym. 24 Therfore I saye vnto you, whatsoeuer ye desyre when ye praye, beleue that ye shall haue it, and it shall be done vnto you. 25 And when ye stande, and pray, forgeue, yf ye haue any thyng agaynst any man, that youre father also which is in heauen, may forgeue you your trespasses. 26