Luke 11:39-44

Matthew(i) 39 And the Lorde sayde to hym: Now do ye pharyses make cleane the outsyde of the cup, and of the platter: but your inward parties are full of rauenyng and wickednes. 40 Ye foles, dyd not he that made that which is without: make that whiche is within also? 41 Neuerthelesse geue almose of that ye haue, and beholde all is cleane to you. 42 But wo be to you Pharyses: for the tyth the mint and rew, and al maner herbes, and passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God. These ought ye to haue lefte the other vndone. 43 Wo be to you Pharises, for ye loue the vppermost seates in the synagoges, and gretynges in the markettes. 44 Wo be to you scribes and pharyses, hypocrites, for ye are as graues which appere not, and the men that walke ouer them, are not ware of them.