Jude 1:10-19

Matthew(i) 10 But these speake euyl of those thynges they know not, and what thynges they knowe naturally as beastes which are wythout reason, in those thynges they corrupte them selues. 11 Wo be vnto them, for they haue folowed the waye of Cayn, and are vtterlye geuen to the errour of Balam for lukers sake, and peryshe in the treason of Core. 12 These are spottes which of youre kyndnes feast together, wythoute feare, fedyng themselues. Cloudes they are wythout water, caryed aboute of wyndes, and trees wythout frute at gatherynge tyme, twyse dead & plucked vp by rotes. 13 They are the ragynge waues of the sea, fomyng out theyr owne shame. They are wandryng starres to whome is reserued the myste of darcknes for euer. 14 Enoch the seuenth from Adam, prophesyed fore of suche, saying: Beholde, the Lorde shall come wt thousandes of saynctes, 15 to geue iudgemente agaynst al men, & to rebuke al that are vngodly among them, of all theyr vngodly dedes, whiche they haue vngodlye commytted and of all theyr cruell speakynges; whiche vngodly synners haue spoken agaynste him. 16 These are murmurers, complayners, walkyng after theyr owne iustes, whose mouthes speake proud thinges. They haue men in great reuerence because of vauntage. 17 But ye beloued, remembre the wordes whiche were spoken before of the Apostles of oure Lord Iesu Christe, 18 howe that they tolde you that there shoulde be begylers in the laste tyme whiche shoulde walke after theyr owne vngodlye lustes. 19 These are makers of sectes fleshlye, hauynge no spyryte.