Joshua 22:21-31

Matthew(i) 21 Then the chyldren of Ruben and of Gad, and halfe the trybe of Manasses aunswered and sayde vnto the heades ouer the thousandes of Israel: 22 The myghtye God Iehouah he knoweth, and Israel shall knowe yf it be to rebelle or transgresse agaynste the Lorde, then the Lorde saue vs not thys daye. 23 Or els yf we haue buylt vs an aulter to tourne from folowynge the Lorde, or to offer thereon burntofferynge or meate offerynges, or to offer peace offerynges thereon: let the Lorde requyre it: 24 And haue not rather done it for feare of thys: least in tyme to come youre chyldren shulde saye vnto oures: what haue ye to do wyth the Lorde God of Israel, seynge: 25 that the Lorde hath made Iordan a border betwene vs and you ye chyldren of Ruben & of Gad: ye haue no parte therfore in the Lorde: and so shall youre chyldren make our chyldren cease from fearynge the Lorde. 26 And therfore we sayde: Let vs cause an aulter to be made, not for burntofferynges, nor sacryfyces, 27 but it shalbe a wytnesse betwene vs, and you and oure generacyons after vs, that we shulde serue the Lorde, wyth our offerynges, sacryfyces and peace offerynges: and that youre chyldren shulde not say to oures in tyme to come, ye haue no parte in the Lorde. 28 And we thought yf they shuld so say to vs or to oure generacyons in tyme to come, that we wolde saye agayne: Beholde the fashyon of the aulter which our fathers made, neither for burntofferynges nor sacryfyces, but that it shulde be a wytnesse betwene vs and you 29 God forbydde that we shulde rebell agaynst the Lorde, and that we shulde turne this day from after him, and buyld an aulter for burntofferynges or sacryfyces, saue the aultare of the Lorde, oure God that is before hys tabernacle. 30 And when Phinehes the Prieste, and the Lordes of the congregacion and heades ouer the thousandes of Israell whiche were wyth hym, hearde the wordes that the chyldren of Ruben, the chyldren of Gad and the chyldren of Manasses spake, they were well contente. 31 And Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the priest sayde vnto the chyldren of Ruben, of Gad & of Manasses thys daye we perceyue that the Lorde is among vs, because ye haue not done thys trespase agaynst the Lorde. And now ye haue rydde the chyldren of Israell out of the handes of the Lorde.