Joshua 11:1-15

Matthew(i) 1 And when Iabin Kyng of Hazor had hearde that, he sente to Iobab kynge of Madon, and to the kinge of Someron, and to the Kyng of Acsaph. 2 And vnto the Kynges that are by north in the mountaynes, and playnes, on the southsyde of Ceneroth, and in the lowe countreyes, and in the regions of Dor vpon the sea, 3 and vnto the Cananites both by Easte and weste: and vnto the Amorites, Hethites, Pheresites, and Iebusites in the mountaines, and vnto the Heuites vnder Hermon in the land of Mazphah, 4 whiche came oute, and all their hostes wyth them, a multitude of folke, euen as the sandes of the sea in numbre with horsses and charettes excedinge manye. 5 And all these Kynges met together, and came and pitched together vpon the water of Merom, for to fyghte wyth Israell. 6 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua, be not afrayd of them, for to morowe aboute thys tyme I wyl delyuer them al slayne, before al Israel, and thou shalt hough their horsses, & burne their charettes wyth fyre. 7 And Iosua came, and al the men of warre wt him against them, vnto the water of Merom, sodenlye, and felle vpon them. 8 And the Lorde delyuered them into the handes of Israel, and they smote them and chased them, vnto great Sydon, and vnto the whote waters, and vnto the valey of Mazphah Eastward? and smote them vntyll they had none remaynynge of them. 9 And Iosua serued them as the Lord bad him, houghed their horsses and burnt their charettes with fyre. 10 Then Iosua at that tyme turned backe, & toke Hazor and smote her kyng wt the swerd. For Hazor before tyme was the heade of all those kyngedomes. 11 And they smote all the soules that were therin with the edge of the swerd, vtterlye destroying them, that no breath was let remayne. And burnt Hazor wyth fyre 12 and al the cyties of those Kynges, wyth al the kinges of them: Iosua toke and smote them with the edge of the swerde, and vtterlye destroied them as Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde commaunded. 13 But Israel burnt none of the cytyes, that stode vpon hylles, saue Hazor onely, that Iosua burnt, 14 but al the spoyle of the saide cyties and the catell, the children of Israell caughte vnto them selues: But the men onelye they smote with the edge of the swerde vntill they had destroyed them, and had lefte no breathe remaynyng. 15 As the Lorde commaunded Iosua, and euen so dyd Iosua and minisshed no worde of all that the Lorde commaunded Moses.