John 4:1-30

Matthew(i) 1 As sone as the Lord had knowledge, how the Phariseis had hearde, that Iesus made & Baptysed more disciples then Iohn 2 (though that Iesus him self baptysed not: but his disciples) 3 he lefte Iewry, & departed agayne into Galile. 4 And it was so that he must nedes go thorowe Samaria. 5 Then cam he to a citie of Samaria called Sichar, beside the possessyon that Iacob gaue to hys sonne Iosephe. 6 And there was Iacobs wel, Iesus then weried in hys iorny, sate thus on the wel. And it was about the .vi. houre: 7 and ther came a woman of Samaria to draw water. And Iesus sayed vnto hyr: geue me drinke. 8 For hys disciples were gone awaye vnto the town to bye meate. 9 Then sayde the woman of Samarya vnto hym: howe is it, that thou beynge a Iewe, axest drynke of me which am a Samaritan? for the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. 10 Iesus aunswered & sayd vnto hyr: if thou kneweste the gyfte of God, and who it is that sayeth to the geue me drynke, thou wouldeste haue axed of hym, and he woulde haue geuen the water of lyfe. 11 The woman sayd to hym: Syr thou hast nothinge to drawe wyth, and the well is depe: from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe? 12 Art thou greater, then our father Iacob, whyche gaue vs this well, and he him selfe dranke therof, and hys chyldren, and his catell? 13 Iesus aunswered & sayde vnto hyr: whosoeuer drynketh of thys water: shall thyrste agayne. 14 But whosoeuer shall drinke of the water that I shall geue hym, shall neuer be more a thyrste: but the water that I shall geue him, shall be in him a well of water, springinge vp into euerlasting lyfe. 15 The woman sayde vnto him: Syr geue me of that water, that I thyrst not neyther come hyther to draw. 16 Iesus sayd vnto hyr. Go and call thy husbande, and come hyther. 17 The woman aunswered and sayde to him: I haue no husbande. 18 Iesus sayde to hyr, Thou hast well sayed, I haue no husbande. For thou haste had fyue husbandes and he whome thou nowe haste is not thy husbande. That saydest thou trulye. 19 The woman sayd vnto him: Syr I perceiue that thou art a prophete. 20 Oure fathers worshipped in this mountayne: and ye saye that in Hyerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Iesus sayd vnto hyr: woman beleue me, the houre cometh, when ye shal neyther in this mountayne, nor yet at Hierusalem worshyppe the father. 22 Ye worshype, ye wote not what: we knowe what we worshype. For saluation cometh of the Iewes. 23 But the houre cometh and nowe is, when the true worshyppers shal worshyp the father in spyrite and in trueth. For verelye suche the father requireth to worshyp him. 24 God is a spyryte, and they that worshyp hym, must worshyp hym in spiryte and trueth. 25 The woman sayd vnto him: I wot well Messias shal come, whiche is called Christe. When he is come, he wyll tell vs all thinges. 26 Iesus sayd vnto hyr: I that speake vnto the am he. 27 And euen at that poynte, came hys disciples, & merueyled that he talketh with the woman. Yet no man said vnto him: what meanest thou, or why talkest thou with hyr? 28 The woman then left hyr waterpotte, and went hyr way into the citie, and sayed to the men. 29 Come se a man whiche told me all thynges that euer I dyd. Is not he Christ? 30 Then they went out of the cytye, and came vnto hym.