Jeremiah 51:20-46

Matthew(i) 20 Thou breakest my weapens of warre, and yet thorowe the I haue scatered the nacyons & kyngdomes: 21 Thorow the haue I scatred horse and horse man: yea the charettes, and suche as sat vpon them: 22 Thorowe the I haue scatred man and woman, olde & yong, bacheler and mayden. 23 Thorowe the I haue scatred the shepherde and hys flocke, the husbandeman and hys cattell, the prynces and the rulers. 24 Therfore wyl I rewarde the citie of Babylon and all her cytesens the Caldees with all the euyll whiche they haue done vnto Syon: yea that ye youre selues shall se it, sayeth the Lorde. 25 Beholde, I come vpon the (thou noysome hyll) sayeth the Lorde, thou that destroyest all landes. I wyll stretche out my hande ouer the, and caste the doune from the stony rockes: and wyll make the a brente hyll, 26 so that neyther corner stones, nor pynnacles, nor foundacyon stones shalbe taken anye more oute of the, but waste and desolate shalt thou lye for euer more, sayeth the Lorde. 27 Set vp a token in the lande: blow the trompettes amonge the Heythen, prouoke the nacyons agaynst her, call the kyngedomes of Ararat, Memni, and Ascanes agaynste her: nombre oute Taphsar agaynst her, bryng as greate a sorte of horses against her, as yf they were greshoppers. 28 Prepare agaynste them the people of the Meedes wyth theyr kynges prynces, and al theyr chefe rulers, yea and the whole lande that is vnder them. 29 The lande also shall shake & be afrayed, when the deuyce of the Lorde shal come forth agaynste Babylon: to make the lande of Babylon so waste, that no man shall dwell anye more therein. 30 The worthyes of Babylon shal leaue the battell, & kepe them selues in stronge holdes, theyr strength hath fayled them, they shalbe lyke wemen. Theyr dwellynge places shal be brente vp, theyr barres shalbe broken. 31 One purseuaunte shal mete another, yea one poste shall come by another, to bring the king of Babylon tydynges: that his citie is taken in on euerye syde, 32 the foordes occupyed, the fennes brente vp, and the soudyares sore afrayed. 33 For thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israell: the doughter of Babylon hath bene in her tyme lyke as a threshynge floure, but shortly shal her haruest come. 34 Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon hath deuoured & destroyed me, he hath made me an emptye vessell. He swalowed me vp lyke a dragon, and filled his bely with my delycates: he hath cast me oute, 35 he hath taken my substaunce awaye and the thynge that was lefte me, hath he caryed vnto Babylon, sayeth the doughter that dwelleth in Syon: yea and my bloude also vnto the Caldees, sayeth Ierusalem. 36 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge the: I wil dryncke vp her sea, and drye vp her water springes. 37 Babilon shalt become an heape of stones a dwellinge place for dragons, a fearfulnes and wondrynge, because no man dwelleth there. 38 They shall roare together lyke lyons, and as the yonge lyons when they be angrie, so shall they bende them selues. 39 In their heate I shall sett drinke before them, & they shalbe droncken for ioye: Then shall they slepe an euerlastinge slepe, and neuer wake, sayeth the Lord 40 I shall carie them downe to be slayne like shepe, like wethers and gootes. 41 O, how was Sesach wonne? O, how was the glorye of the whole lande taken? how happeneth it, that Babilon is so wondred at amonge the Heathen? 42 The see is risen ouer Babilon, and hath couered her with his greate waues. 43 Her cytyes are layed waste, the lande lyeth vnbuylded and voyde: it is a lande where no man dwelleth, and where no man traueleth thorow. 44 Moreouer, I wyll vyset Bell at Babylon: and the thynge that he hath swalowed vp, that same shall I plucke out of hys mouth. The Gentyles also shall runne nomore vnto hym, yee and the walles of Babylon shall fall. 45 O my people, come out of Babylon, that euery man maye saue his lyfe, from the fearfull wrath of the Lorde. 46 Be not faynte herted, and feare not at euery rumoure that shalbe herde in the lande: for euery yeare bringeth new tydinges, yee straunge wyckednes and lordshyppe.