Isaiah 30:27-33

Matthew(i) 27 Beholde the glory of the Lord shal come from farre, hys face shal burne, that no man shalbe able to abyde it, hys lyppes shall wagge for verye indignacyon, and hys tonge shalbe as a consumynge fyre. 28 His breath like a vehement floude of water, whiche goeth vp to the throte. That he may take away the people, whiche haue turned them selues vnto vanite, and the brydle of erroure, that lyeth in other folkes chawes. 29 But ye shall synge, as the vse is in the night of the holy solempnyte. Ye shall reioyse from youre herte, as they that come with the pype, when they go vp to the mounte of the Lorde, vnto the rocke of Israel. 30 The Lorde also shall set vp the power of his voyce, and declare his terryble arme, wyth hys angry countenaunce yea and the flamme of the consumynge fyre, with earthquake, tempest of wynde, and haile stones. 31 Then shall the Assyryans feare also, because of the voyce of the Lorde, which shall smyte him with the rodde. 32 And the same rodde which the Lorde wil sende vpon hym, shall moue the whole foundacyon with trompet, with noyse of warre and battell to destroye. 33 For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yea euen for Kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, the noryshing thereof is fyre & woode innumerable, whiche the breathe of the Lorde kyndleth, as it were a matche of brymstone.