Isaiah 2:17-21

Matthew(i) 17 And it shall bryng doune the pryde of man, & laye mans presumptuousnesse ful lowe, and the Lorde shall onelye haue the vyctorye in that daye. 18 But the ydoles shall vtterly be roted oute. 19 Men shall crepe into holes of stone, and into caues of the earthe, from the syghte of the fearfull iudge, and from the glorye of hys magesty: what tyme as he shall make hym vp to shake the earthe. 20 Then then, shall man caste awaye hys Goddes of syluer and golde (whiche he neuerthelesse had made to honoure them) vnto Moles and Backes: 21 that he maye the better crepe into the caues & rockes, and into the cliffes of harde stones, from the syghte of the fearfull iudge & from the glorye of hys Magestye.