Isaiah 10:12-15

Matthew(i) 12 Wherfore the Lorde sayeth: As sone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the hyll of Sion and Ierusalem, then wyll I also vpset the noble and stoute kynge of Assiria, wyth his wisedom and pryde. 13 For he standeth thus in hys owne conceyte. Thys do I thorow the power of myne owne hand, and thorowe my wysedome: For I am wyse I am he that remoue the landes of the people I robbe the princes, and (lyke one of the worthies) I dryue them from their hye seates. 14 My hande hathe founde out the hostes of the people, as it were arnest. And lyke as egges, that were layde here and there, are gathered togegether. So do I gather all countreyes. And there is no man, that darre be so bolde, as to touche a fether, that darre open his mouth, or ones whisper. 15 But doth the axe boost it selfe, agaynste hym, that he heweth therwyth, or doth the sawe make any krackynge, agaynst hym that ruleth it? That were euen lyke, as yf the roade dyd exalte it selfe, against him that beareth it: or as though the staffe shoulde magnyfye it selfe, as who saie: it were no wode.