Hosea 9:1-5

Matthew(i) 1 Do not thou tryumphe, O Israel, make no boastinge more then the Heathen, for thou hast committed aduoutrye againste thy God: straung rewardes hast thou loued more then al the corneflores. 2 Therfore shal they no more enioy the corneflores & winepresses, & their swete wine shall fayle them. 3 They will not dwell in the Lordes lande, but Ephraim turneth agayne into Egypte, and eateth vncleane thinges amonge the Assirians. 4 They poure oute no wyne for a drinckofferinge vnto the Lord, neyther geue they him their flain offeringes: but they be vnto them as mourners meates, wherin all they that eate them, are defyled. For the breade that they haue suche luste vnto, shall not come into the house of the Lorde. 5 What wyl ye do then in the solempne daies, and in the feaste of the Lorde?