Hebrews 7:11-17

Matthew(i) 11 Yf nowe therfore perfeccyon came by the priesthode of the Leuytes (for vnder that presthode the people receyueth the lawe) what nedeth furthermore that another prieste shoulde aryse after the ordre of Melchisedech, and not after the ordre of Aaron? 12 Nowe no doubte, yf the priesthode be translated, then of necessitye must the lawe be translated also. 13 For of whome these thynges are spoken pertayneth vnto another trybe, of whiche neuer man serued at the aulter. 14 For it is euident, that oure Lorde sprong of the trybe of Iuda, of whiche trybe spake Moyses nothyng concernynge priesthode. 15 And it is yet a more euydent thynge, yf after the similitude, of Melchisedech, there arise an other prieste: 16 which is not made after the lawe of the carnall commaundement: but after the power of the endelesse lyfe. 17 (For he testifyeth thou arte a prieste for euer, after the ordre of Melchysedech).