Genesis 27:27-30

Matthew(i) 27 And he wente vnto him and kissed him. And he smelled the sauour of hys rayment, & blessed hym, and sayd: Se, the smel of my sonne is as the smell of a fyld which the Lorde hath blessed. 28 God giue the he dewe of heauen, & of the fatnes of the earth, & plenty of corne & wine. 29 People be thy seruauntes, & nations bowe vnto the. Be Lord ouer thy brethren, & thy mothers chyldren stoupe vnto the. Curssed be he that curseth the, & blessed be he that blesseth the. 30 As sone as Isaac had made an ende of blesinge, Iacob was scace gone out from the presence of Isaac his father: then came Esau his brother from his huntynge,