Ezekiel 32:1-6

Matthew(i) 1 In the .xij. yeare, the fyrste day of the .xij. Moneth, the word of the Lorde came vnto me, sayinge: 2 Thou sonne of man, take vp a lamentacyon vpon Pharao the kynge of Egypte, and saye vnto hym: Thou arte reputed as a Lyon of the Heathen, & as a whalfyshe in the sea. Thou castest thy waters about the, thou troublest the waters with thy fete, and stampest in theyr floudes. 3 Thus sayth the Lorde God: I wyll sprede my nette ouer the, namelye, a greate multytude of people: these shall dryue the into my yarne, 4 for I wyll caste the vpon the lande, and let the lye vpon the felde, that all the foules of the ayre maye syt vpon the: I wyll geue al the beastes of the felde ynoughe of the. 5 Thy flesh wyll I caste vpon the hylles, and fyl the valleyes wt thy hyghnesse. 6 I wyl water the land with the aboundaunce of thy bloude euen to the mountaynes, and the valleys shall be full of the.