Ezekiel 27:27-32

Matthew(i) 27 so that thy wares, thy marchaundies, thy riches, thy mariners, thy shipmaisters, thy helpers, thy occupiers (that brought the thinges necessarye) the men of warre that are in the: yea and all thy commens shall peryshe in the myddest of the sea, in the daye of thy fall. 28 The suburbes shall shake at the loude crye of thy shipmen. 29 All whirry men, and all maryners vpon the sea, shal leape oute of their boates, and let them selues vpon the land. 30 They shal lyft vp their voice because of the, and make a lamentable crye. They shall cast dust vpon their heades, & lye doune in the ashes. 31 They shall shaue them selues, and put sacke clothe vpon them for thy sake. They shal mourne for the with hertfull sorowe, 32 and heauy lamentacion, yea their children also shal wepe for the. Alas, what cytye hath so bene destroyed in the sea, as Tyre is?