Ezekiel 18:24-26

Matthew(i) 24 Agayne, yf the righteous turne awaye from his righteousnes, and do iniquytie, according to all the abhomynacyons, that the wycked man doth: shal he lyue? Al the ryghteousnes that he hath done, shal not be thought vpon: but in the faute that he hath offended withall and in the synne that he hath done, he shall dye. 25 And yet ye say: Tush, the waye of the lord is not indifferent. Heare therfore the house of Israel: Is not my way ryght? Or, are not youre wayes rather wicked? 26 When a ryghteous man turneth away from his ryghteousnesse, and medleth with vngodlynes: he must dye therin: yea for the vnryghteousnes that he hath done, must he dye.