Ezekiel 12:3-16

Matthew(i) 3 Therfore (O thou sonne of man) make thy gere ready to flyt, and go forth by fayre daye lyghte, that they may se. Yea euen in theyr syght shalt thou go from thy place to another place: yf peraduenture they wyll consydre, that they be an vnobedyente housholde. 4 Thy gere that thou hast made redy to flyt withal, shalt thou bear oute by fayre daye lyghte, that they maye se: and thou thy selfe shalte go forth also at euen in theyr sighte, as a man doeth when he flytteth. 5 Dygge thorowe the wall, that they may se, & beare thorowe it the same thing, that thou tokest vp 6 in theyr sight. As for thy selfe, thou shalte go forth in the darcke. Hyde thy face that thou se not the earthe, for I haue made the a shewtoken vnto the house of Israel. 7 Nowe as the Lorde commaunded me, so I dyd: the gere that I had made ready, brought I oute by daye. At euen I brake doune an hole thorowe the wall with my hande: & when it was darcke, I toke the gere vpon my shoulders, and bare them oute in theyr syghte. 8 And in the mornynge, came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, sayinge: 9 Thou sonne of man, yf Israell that frowarde houshold aske the, and saye: what doest thou there? 10 Then tel them: Thus saith the Lorde God: Thys punyshmente toucheth the chefe rulers at Ierusalem, & all the house of Israell, that dwel amonge them: 11 Tell them: I am youre shewtoken: lyke as I haue done, so shall it happen vnto you: Flyt shall ye also, and go into captyuyte. 12 The chefest that is amonge you, shall lade hys shoulders in the darcke, and get him awaye. He shall breake doune the wal, to cary stuf there thorowe: He shall couer hys face, that he se not the grounde, with his eyes. 13 My lyne wyll I sprede oute vpon hym, & catche him in my net, & carye hym to Babylon, in the lande of the Caldees: whiche he shall not se, and yet shall he dye there. 14 As for al his helpers, & all hys hostes, that be aboute hym, I wyll scatre them towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out a sweard after them. 15 So when I haue scatred them amonge the Heathen, and strowed them in the landes, they shall knowe, that I am the Lorde. 16 But I wyll leaue a lytle nombre of them from the swearde, hunger and pestilence: to tell all theyr abhomynacyons amonge the Heathen, where they come, that they maye knowe, howe that I am the Lorde.