Exodus 25:23-30

Matthew(i) 23 Thou shalt also make a table of sethym wood of two cubytes longe and one cubyte brode and a cubyte and an halfe hye. 24 And couer it with pure golde and make there to a croune of golde rounde aboute. 25 And make vnto that an whope of .iiij. fyngers brode, round about. And make a golden croune also to the whope rounde about. 26 And make for it .iiij. ringes of golde and put them in the corners that are on the .iiij. fete therof: 27 euen hard vnder the whope shal the ringes be, to putte in staues to bere the table withall. 28 And thou shalt make staues of Sethim wood & ouerlaye them with golde, that the table maye be borne with them. 29 And thou shalt make his disshes, spones, pottes & flat peces to poure out withall, of fyne golde. 30 And thou shalte sette vppon the table, shewbreade before me allwaye.