Ephesians 4:20-27

Matthew(i) 20 But ye haue not so learned Christ, 21 yf so be ye haue heard of hym, and are taughte of hym, euen as the trueth is in Iesu. 22 So then as concernyng the conuersacyon in tyme past, laye from you that olde man, whyche is corrupte thorowe the deceyueable lustes 23 and be ye renued in the spyrite of your mindes, 24 and put on that newe man, whyche after the Image of God is shapen in ryghteousnes & true holynes. 25 Wherfore put awaye lyinge, and speake euerye man trueth vnto hys neyghboure, for as muche as we are membres one of another. 26 Be angrye, but synne not, let not the sunne go doune vpon your wrath, 27 neyther geue place vnto the backebyter.